Saturday, January 10, 2009

It is often forgotten that the Archduke's wife, Sophia, was also killed:

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The assasination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand is always the reason that is given in the United States for the cause of the First World War.

National and Colonial rivalries between the United Kingdom and the Kaiserreich and Prussian expansionism and nationalist ambition, are never examined or explained.

I have heard that the Emperor Franz Josef did not even like his nephew the Archduke; I don't know if that is true, but the assasination was one of many factors that caused the war, and the other factors (such as the ones mentioned above) seem, from my amateur opinion, the more important historic causes of war.

The assasination was obviously an affront to the Austro-Hungarian monarchy.

Was it alone enough to cause the Central Powers to go to war with Serbia and the Triple Entente Alliance?

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